Wednesday, October 18, 2006


can u beat it..its the first time in my life when i have nothing to write .Usually my mind is buzzing with issues and stuff dat can be made into concrete paragraphs or somethin like that...hmm..

But if you really think about it,whats the whole goddamn point of writing over issues ..??more than half of the reading population will disagree with you anyway,and the rest ponder over why you even bothered to write and wonder ''now what could she mean by that?''(eyebrow raised,smile indicating that the writer is a freak).As for the people not included in these two halves , they read but with a complaicent eye, they dont listen to your words.

Those left out from the above categories are idiots like you and me who write,write and write a little more, trying to make them see what you feel and sometimes, when the post happens to be exceptionally good,or so you think, you feel really proud of smugly and relax back in your chair, pull your fingers to hear that subtle crack of the bones and stretch your back that has been bent towards the computer for the past half hour or so, giving you a faint resemblance to reptiles doing their due on the computer.....

And then , sittin right there , almost ready to pat yourself, u do the big shot writer thing by crossing your legs,stretching your arms and deciding to oblige other writers by taking a peek at their you visit their blogs..start reading and bang!! your voluptious happiness,in which you were gladly immersed till about 2 seconds back is thrust into a dungyard as you witness pieces of writing undoubtedly superior to yours... seething with bold contemporary issues...written beautifully and hell!! effortlessly carrying that much coveted ' X factor' ( like Farah khan and Anu malik would put it)....

and then jerks out a faint hiss 'abey kya yaar..'


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha....well written gal....

MeMyself_n_I said...

haha...i totally agree