Saturday, July 28, 2007


Wow! Its been ages since i blogged. Rather, its been ages since i wrote.Today, i have a simple reason. A simple thing. I note, I am , For the larger part of my days these days, lost. In terms of my eloquence, clarity of mind, subject matter to ponder over. Not too good a feeling. And yet i feel so elemental, so raw. Free , because i don't feel my superego restricting or confining, anything. Whatever's in there, comes wholly out. Unfree, because , lingering, somewhere in the relegates of my mind, is resistance to trusting everything around me, so wholly,so completely, nevermind it being the kind of resistance which is supressed, and is felt, merely through its absence. Am i doing right? i feel this question, floating in there, somewhere, going unaddressed, unanswered. I fear.